104 Windows sockets initialization failed. 128 ftp\n\nFtp\n\n\nFtp.Document\nFtp Document 13448 Transferring %1 total files to %2 13449 Now transferring %1 (%2 more files to transfer) 13450 Now transferring %1 (last file) 13451 A user name was not specified. 13452 A host name was not specified. 13453 No directory to transfer was specified. 13454 Unable to connect to the host %1. 13455 Unable to login to the remote host. The error message from the remote machine was:\n\n%1 13456 There was an error during the transfer of the files. The error message from the remote machine was:\n\n%1 13457 The transfer was only partially completed. 13458 The connection to the remote host was lost. 13459 The remote host requires a password and none was provided. 13460 An internal error occurred. 13461 An error occurred accessing a local file for transfer. 13462 %1 seconds remaining 13463 %1 minute, %2 seconds remaining 13464 %1 hour, %2 minutes remaining 13465 %1 hours, %2 minutes remaining 13466 %1 minutes, %2 seconds remaining 13467 Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard 13468 wpwiz.hlp 13469 MS Serif 13470 My Web Site 13471 File(s) were successfully posted to your Web server. You can access your site via the URL "%s". 13472 The wizard could not post the files to your URL. Find out from your Web Server Administrator the file posting protocol and the file path on your server for your home pages. Try Web Posting again when you have this information. 13473 Unknown error has occurred. 13474 System is out of memory. Please close the application. 13475 This is not a valid path. 13476 Please type in a site name. 13477 Please type in a user name. 13478 Are you sure you want to leave your password empty? 13479 Please provide the name of your FTP server. 13480 Please type in a File Path for the URL. 13481 This site name already exists. Please type in a new name. 13482 You will overwrite the site name that you have just created. Do you want to continue? 13483 WWW servers share info from a specific folder on the server. Example: the URL\nhttp://www.isp.com/~pat/hello.htm might refer to a file\n/usr/pat/public_html/hello.htm on the server. 13484 Verifying FTP connection...